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Developmental Aid Policy

Successful Asian Recipients:

Case Studies of Korea and Vietnam



South Korea

Dr. Jung's research includes developmental aid policy. In this study, she examined the experiences of Asian aid recipient countries using the examples of Korea and Vietnam. She analyzed the factors contributing to the two countries' success.


Journal - Journal of international Devel

Successful Asian Recipients: Case Studies of Korea and Vietnam

Journal of International Development Cooperation (2010)

Harvesting Tea Leaf








  • Use ODA to catalyze development. 

  • Embark on domestic economic reform.

  • Establish state institutions that combine strong planning and budgetary functions with aid coordination.



  • Robust country ownership and leadership underpinned by a sustained and coherent vision.

  • Commitments of the state, competent civil servants, broad-based political support, and a highly educated general public.



  • Long-term reliable partnerships with primary donors and positive synergy between domestic and international actors.



  • Mobilize various sources of finance: Leverage of donor diversity and combination of non-ODA instruments such as trade, investment, military aid, export credits, and public-private partnerships (PPPs) with ODA.



  • Attention to project design and implementation.



  • Capacity development as an integral part of aid.



  • Composition, sector, and forms of aid being adapted to changing country circumstances.



  • Good alignment of aid with national objectives.

  • Aid given as budget support and for large infrastructure projects.



  • Promote investment in large infrastructure in support of broader development goals in emerging economies with good government capacity.

Image by JEONGUK -

Country-based development needs to be highlighted, putting ownership in its center and connecting aid effectiveness procedures with substantive development outcomes. Moreover, aid effectiveness guidelines ought to be differentiated in recognition of varying country groups including fragile states and high-capacity states. On top of the traditional bilateral assistance, it is also necessary to come up with ways to guarantee long-standing cooperation. The next, more challenging, step for the development community is to find out “how” to internalize and embody the propositions in their policies and practices.

Dr. Woojin Jung 


Assistant Professor

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Core Faculty

Global Health Institute at Rutgers


120 Albany Tower One, Room 345
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 

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Website created by Eunice Park

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